Sunday, March 16, 2008

Wegman's 6:32 a.m.

The title says it all...
Except if you don't know what Wegman's is...
So for my Flickr friends; Wegman's is, by world's standards, an opulent supermarket
(currently growing like wildfire throughout the Eastern United States.)

This is what I saw one morning on my way in to fill the prescription that allows me to keep a smile on my face and a song in my heart....

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Acrid Smell of Failure

While recently judging an Odyssey of the Mind competition for grades 6 through 8, one teams' self-designed and self-made vehicle stopped dead. It's batteries had burned out and a pungent odor hung in the air. The sixth grader driving the vehicle hung his head and said, "I love the acrid smell of failure in the morning."

That comment kept spinning around in my head and it began to bond with images of more and more students who I come in contact with whose idea of personal responsibility is to point a finger and say, "You do it for me."

Realizing that I have now crossed that line into unavoidable crotchety-old-man-syndrome, I made this video.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

In Praise of Ravens & Crows

I have discovered that my mind's eye needs glasses. For years I have tried to convince myself that, with just a little more effort, I could become an organized, spit and polish professional. Now the people that know me that just read that sentence are laughing. And with good reason too!

I am a scavenger. One who happens upon things and through a maelstrom of unmedicated thought reassembles ideas and items into something "other." I spit but I will never polish.

When I was doing "On the Occasion of a Bloody Nose" (see below). I happened upon a murder of crows feasting upon a rather unlucky bunny. This got me thinking how like a crow or raven I am. In fact, my soon-to-be 18 year old daughter has taken to calling me "Old Crow" with great delight. So I began a web search of all things crow-like.

This piece is the result of that wandering.

"Blackbird" is an outtake from the Beatles Kensington Studio Sessions. It doesn't have the bird calls over the second verse which I have always found extremely annoying...

This assemblage would be nothing without the wonderful photography I found from:

Carl Cook at


Paul Lantz at:

Please visit both of their sites and feast your eyes on their exquisite work!